Duplicate Serial Number 07682835
Lucky (July) 13
PROJECT 2013B has it's 120th confirmed match! There are now 133 confirmed matching pairs over the history of this project, the project that preceded it, and matched pairs spotted at auctions. Started in October of 2021, Project 2013B started with a list of 10,072 banknotes, and now has over 58,419 unique banknotes registered it its database, and 13937 members.
The 'Fort Worth' printed 2013B star note was registered 2024.07.01 by member TNLvD
This is very exciting, I hope to hear back from you soon
The 'Washington DC' printed 2013B star note was registered 2024.07.12 by member x46AX
Good evening, here is the picture as requested. I just found this one today.
Photos of the bills from both parties officially confirmed a match today. 90.2% of all known Duplicate Serial Number Pairs have been discovered by Project 2013B !
The running list of confirmed pairs (which will be updated soon) can be found at:
Remember to check your spam folders. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Check the following "Missing in Action" table to see if you have a match!
Are YOU Missing In Action?
If you see your serial number, or Owner ID, in the following table, then you need to contact Project 2013B because you are part-owner of a matched pair! Check your spam folder for an email with the subject line "PROJECT 2013B: Potential matching pair!" Otherwise, contact me through my website.
Cash or this?
A feature where I show some of the crazy stuff you could buy on Amazon if you went on to sell your matched pair for a few thousand or so...
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