World's LARGEST Complete* Database of 2013 Duplicated Serial Number Star Notes!

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Saturday, August 5, 2023

Confirmed Match! SN B* 06431343

Duplicate Serial Number 06431343    

Project 2013B Confirmed Match of duplicate serial number on series 2013B star notes
Project 2013B Confirmed Matched Pair SN B* 06431343

Rule of 72

PROJECT 2013B has it's 60th confirmed match! There are now 72 confirmed matching pairs over the history of this project, the project that preceded it, and matched pairs spotted at various auctions. Started in October of 2021, Project 2013B started with a list of 10,072 banknotes, and now has over 39,981 unique banknotes registered it its database, and 7268 members.
The 'Fort Worth' printed 2013B star note was registered 2022.12.26 by member DEOGh
He had no story to share but sent me a picture what I assume is his truck. He might even own the port-a-potty.


The 'Washington DC' printed 2013B star note was registered 2023.05.16 by member QBB5P
 I live in Michigan and I found this note searching straps from a local bank!!


Photos of the bills from both parties officially confirmed a match today. From the day the match was detected in the database, to today's photo verification took 79 days.
The running list of confirmed pairs (which will be updated soon) can be found at: 

Cash or This?

A new feature where I show some of the crazy stuff you could buy on Amazon if you went on to sell your matched pair for a few thousand or so...

Why use a public portapotty when you can just bring your own! The awe-inspiring Thetford 92305 Porta Potti 565P Excellence Portable Toilet (Manual), 448 x 388 x 450 mm!

Once you are back home, you can then relax on your $5200 GOLD toilet!

Remember to check your spam folders just in case a matching pair notification is forwarded to you; you might find your bill included here as well as owning a set that, depending on the condition of the bills, might fetch thousands of dollars at auction.  For further "insurance" against the spam folder situation, sign up for the newsletter.  

Check the match-making list to see if your serial number (or member ID) is on the list of people I need to hear back from:

Useful Links
Serial Number Submission Form:
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My store (currency themed items):
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