World's LARGEST 2013 Duplicated Serial Number Star Notes database!

Submission Status


Mr. Whiskers comes to this page after submitting his serial numbers

Please allow anywhere from a few minutes to a few days for the following table to be updated.  The date and time the table was last updated is shown on the top row. Use the scroll bar on the right of the window to scroll down. On most desktop computers, placing the mouse pointer over the spreadsheet window will allow you to scroll down using the mouse wheel.

If you do not see a table below, please wait 5-10 seconds for it to load.  The list goes back about 1 month, but can still be fairly long.   You can check back to this page using this shorter link:

The date in the table is in the format of  month-day-year.  

If the date appears to be more than a month out of date, it means that the table is in process of being updated (in which case you will need to come back in about 30 minutes).

If your submission was over 3 weeks ago, you can request a report which will be emailed to you within 48 hours.  The report will list ALL of your submissions along with the dates each serial number was submitted.  Simply enter your email address at the following page:

My note was rejected! WHY?
1It could be that your serial number is outside the range of the set of serial number runs that were duplicated by the Fort Worth and DC printing facilities.
For your note to be one of the duplicated serial number notes the serail number MUST fit in one of these two ranges:
B00000001* to B00250000*
or... B03200001* to B09600000*

You can also think of it as "The first 250000 serial numbers or the range of 3.2Million to 9.6Million"
2There could be a typo. Re-check the serial number and other info you provided. Sometimes the serial numbers submitted have too many digits.
3The serial number you entered was not for a $1 Bill. The duplicated serial number error does not apply to $5, $10, $20 notes or any other non $1 notes.
4If the message is "Already in main database!" then that bill already exists in the database. You might of re-submitted information to correct something like the faceplate or backplate number, but the change was determined too small by the system. (Eg. changing a typo from FWe105 to FWJ105 is not significant as both indicate it is a Fort Worth bill)
5Invalid faceplate or backplate number. This is usually due to one of the reasons above. Your bill MUST be a $1 Bill, series 2013, with a B seal, and in the serial number range specified above. It also must be a STAR note meaning there needs to be a star at the end of the serial number.
6I do NOT update this list on a daily basis. The list will tell you the last time I updated the list, so if you submitted a serial number AFTER that date, it might not show up in the queue for a day or two. Be patient. I am a one-man show, and I am doing this FOR FREE.
7Look to the right of the last digit in the serial number of the bill. There MUST be a star there, not a letter.
8The letter that is at the start of the serial number MUST be a B. The letter B must also be in the middle of the round seal to the left of George Washington.
9Still not convinced?
Review the image below.
Contact Admin if you feel your note was incorrectly rejected:

Location of crucial pieces of information
Location of crucial pieces of information


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