It was probably asked a few times, so I made a page... |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the B in 2013b. What is a star note? What is a 2013B star note.
This handy infographic that will tell you if your dollar bill and its serial number are what this project is about: Valid 2013 Infographic Further information about this error bill and the project in general can be found at 2013b.com
I type 2013b.com, but the address in the browser changes.
The address 2013b.com is an easy to remember address that simply redirects to this specific website. It is easier to remember (and in my case promote) than the address of https://project2013b.blogspot.com/
I submitted my serial number but I didn't get any kind of confirmation, or see it anywhere on the website!
The status of submissions go back 3 weeks. The page also lists the most common reasons why a submission may of been rejected. If you submitted your serial number over a month ago, AND you think it was a valid number, then you will need to request a report of all of the serial numbers in the database that are linked to your email address: report.2013b.com
If your number is not in the report you requested, chances are pretty good your number was rejected, or your put in a request for the emailed report too soon after your submitted your number(s). Try not to request a report until 2-3 days have passed. If your serial number is not in the emailed report, then your serial number was probably rejected. Check out this handy flowchart that will tell you if your serial number was valid: Valid 2013 Infographic If you accidentally submitted the same serial number more than once, the subsequent submission(s) will be ignored.
If you submit a serial number and the submission status page shows that it was accepted, that means it is in the database (and will be checked daily against the existing list of serial numbers and any new serial numbers that were added by others). It will also show your unique member ID which is only used if the blog portion of this website announces that I found a match for your serial number (rather than use your real name or email address).
I submitted my serial number(s) but I didn't get an email response!
Just before the Submit button is a section titled "Before you press the submit button....", with details on how to check on the status of your submitted serial number(s). There is a link given of where you can check a webpage to see what the status of your submission is (and even why it might of been rejected); the link is also repeated on the page that loads after your press the submit button. This status page goes back 3 weeks, so check it out a day or two after your submission. check.2013b.com
A long while back I submitted a serial number and got an email confirmation. Why doesn't it do that anymore?
A lot of email providers, even gmail, have limits to how many emails you can send per day, and even per hour. The online submission status page handles this now and is available 24/7, with the added feature of telling you why your bill might of been rejected. Check this link: check.2013b.com
I saw a website with the same name as your project other than a version number on the end. What is it?
It is a copy-cat site, where the individual could not even come up with an original name. I refer to him as "Sly".
Sly, an unethical individual, created a copycat version of my website. Although he is free to create his own site and list, it was dishonorable to copy my project name and add "2.0." This small change has already caused confusion among users. Some have asked if it is a new version, while others have asked if this site is still active. This site is VERY MUCH ACTIVE.
Additionally, Sly copied an old list of 47,066 serial numbers from Project 2013B without permission. This list did not include contact information for the banknote owners, nor their identities. Nevertheless, Sly falsely inflates his total serial numbers to over 50,000, misleading users about the true scope and integrity of his database.
Why are there ads on this site?
Welcome to the internet. I easily spend at least 15 hours a week maintaining my list and website, along with hunting down people who have not responded to my emails informing them that they have a match. This is a FREE service. As of January 2025, many of the pairs discovered by Project 2013B have been sold by the co-owners at auction (or eBay), with the total of all sales surpassing $145,000.
Why am I being asked for my credit card?
Project 2013B will never ask you for a credit card. You have clicked on an advertisedment.
I do not know what my Owner ID is.
In the grand scheme of things it does not matter what your Owner ID is as you are mainly identified by the project (behind the scenes) by your email address. If a match is found for your bill, you will be contacted through the email address you entered at the time of submission. If you really want to know your owner ID, it is shown on the submission status page check.2013b.com If you are lucky enough to get a match, you will be contacted by email. It will also be announced on this website (once a match is confirmed), but only your cryptic Owner ID will be mentioned (not your first name, nor your email address). That is really the main purpose of the Owner ID.. to be able to refer to you without actually using you name.
NOTE: if you use a different email address each time you submit a serial number, you will be assigned a different Owner ID for that specific serial number. It does not matter if you have 1 consistent Owner ID, or 17 of them, as long as the email addresses are ones that you check for messages from this website.
What is a confirmed match?
When two identical serial numbers are detected in the database, and one is the Washington DC print of the serial number, while the other is the Fort Worth printed bill, both owners are emailed and a photo of their bill is requested. Once both photos are checked out, and both bills are indeed what they were initially entered as, the match is 'confirmed'. Simply put, it means there is photo proof that the matched pair for that specific serial number EXISTS. After that hurdle is passed, the contact information (email address) of the owner of the matching bill is given to the other owner, and they can then negotiate what to do next (sell their bills as a matched pair, buy the bill off of the other owner, etc).
How can I check to see if my bill has a match?
IF your serial numbers are already in the database, there is no need to check. The database (also known as the 'list') is updated DAILY, and at each update the list is scanned for new matching pairs. When a new matching pair is found, both banknote owners WILL be contacted within 24 hours by the project. The number of new serial numbers submitted to this project ranges anywhere from 30 to over 200 per day. It is imperative that you check your spam folder (or junk mail folder), as the email from this project may end up there. For extra 'insurance' feel free to add your phone's texting number at the following link: change.2013b.com
Will my name or email address ever be shown or shared on this website or the database?
No. Privacy is priority #1. Some people on the list are serious paper money collectors and coin collectors. No one wants to advertise that their home might have valuables in it. Also, no one wants SPAM, nor scams.
I no longer have access to my email. Where can I change my email address information?
I changed my phone number. Where can I change my texting information?
I have a series 2013 dollar bill... where can I sell it?
One option is to sell it on the Project 2013B's marketplace, named "13Bay" for short. Read about it here (as well as other options of where to sell your bill): about13bay.2013b.com
What is my single 2013 bill worth?
I am not an appraiser, nor an expert, but I do play one on TV. If your have a bill that has no matching serial number in the database (list), those bills are currently selling in the $10-$40 range (rough estimate March 2023). My rule of thumb is your item (any item) is only worth what you can sell it on Ebay for. Do a search on ebay, but select SOLD listings, to see what similar bills have sold for. DO NOT search the current active listings, as some prices are way out to lunch, and some listings will not find a buyer ever. Read this post on how to avoid getting scammed when it comes to 2013 B star notes: PSA: Avoid these Ebay scams regarding 2013 star notes!
What is 2013 'B' star note matched pair worth?
If you 2013B star note has an actual match (in the database, or you were informed by the website that you have a match, or you simply imagine you have a match) the value of the PAIR (both bills together) is anywhere from $500 to $25,000 (and possibly more), but it depends on the condition of both bills. Do not believe the myth that a pair is worth $115,000 simply because some YouTube video said so (or some lazy reporters repeated that figure). If you want to find the value of ANYTHING, go to the SOLD listings on eBay, or one of the big auction sites like StacksBowers, Heritage, or GreatCollections. The value of these pairs is volatile. You can see this for yourself at the list of sold prices that this website keeps track of in the auction history section.
Will I be contacted when a bill matching the serial number of my bill is submitted to this site?
Yes! Usually within 24 hours. Once you registered your bill, you don't need to do anything further but wait for email notification when and if a match is found for your bill. This is the main purpose of this site! Be sure to check you spam folder (or junk mail folder) as well. Any message coming from this website will have 'Project 2013B' somewhere in the subject line.
I have a 2013 bill that is in range but it doesn't end with a star. Does this count as anything?
The Bureau of Printing and Engraving is the place where paper money is created. As quality control finds defective notes in the printing process after the serial number has been printed, they are taken out with their serial numbers recorded and replaced with another sheet of banknotes printed specifically for this purpose, so that the number of banknotes being printed stays the same in each production batch. The new sheet of banknotes do not have the same serial numbers as the misprinted banknotes. This saves time and money compared to re-printing exactly the same serial number that was used before. It is rare that the replacement banknote has the same serial number as the original faulty one (and I doubt this information is available). A replacement note will have its own serial-number range that is separate and unique from the misprinted serial-number range. There is NO direct correlation between a star note and a note that has 'the same serial number but ends with a letter (no star)'.
Can I have a copy of your list?
No. The reasons can be read about here: Restricted
I was contacted by Project 2013B that I have a bill that is part of a matching pair and responded, but the owner of the other bill has not responded at all for months/years. What should I do?
It all depends on your level of patience. For the cost of a dollar, you essentially have a lottery ticket to a matching pair that could fetch your share to hundreds or thousands of dollars. I have had cases where the other owner finally responded after 3-6 months, and one that took over a year. There is a chance the other bill owner spent his bill in which case someone else MIGHT come along and register the bill at this site. Another scenario which happened was a bill owner was tired of waiting so they sold their bill on Ebay stating that it had a match on this website but with the strong caveat that the other bill owner had still not responded for months. That owner was able to sell his bill for a few hundred dollars, the new owner registered, and about a few weeks later the missing owner finally responded. Now that person really lucked out, so as the mutual fund saying goes, "Past performance is not indicative of future results."
What should I do if I sold or spent my bill?
Use the contact link at the end of this page to inform me.... and don't forget to include the serial number(s) affected.
With the number of confirmed matches this project has produced, will the value plummet over time?
Everyday, worn-out and damaged bills get removed from circulation for destruction and replaced by new bills. As time goes by, finding a duplicate serial number pair should become harder and rarer. Based on data from the Federal Reserve, the average lifespan of a dollar bill in circulation is about 6.6 years. Given this, it's estimated that around 15-20% of Series 2013 $1 bills are still in circulation today.
The Federal Reserve estimates that around 7-10% of currency is removed from circulation each year due to wear and tear, damage, or being taken out of circulation for other reasons. This percentage applies broadly to all denominations, including Series 2013 $1 bills.
Why should I submit/register my bill with Project 2013B?
Project 2013B has the largest list of serial numbers of these 2013 star note error bills. As of January 2025, the number of unique serial numbers stands at over 69,000.
The project also has some safeguards to protect you from scammers. By not submitting your serial number(s), no one knows about your bills. There is also no other list this big anywhere on the internet. Every serial number in the database has the owner's contact information. One copy-cat website in particular boasts over 50,000 serial numbers, but I know for a fact that it includes 47,066 serial numbers that have NO CONTACT INFORMATION. Those 47,066 serial numbers were taken from a pdf list was an OLD list from this very project. This was from back in the day when the list was publicly viewable. As of December 2024, the owner of the copy-cat site has stated he would no longer send people to this site if he found a match with a serial number on the old list (which has no contact information). Read about why the list is no longer publicly viewable here: Restricted
What is the 2.0 site?
Some individual threw a tantrum and decided to start their own list. They either had zero creativity or wanted to ride the coat-tails of this site, so they STOLE the project name and simply added 2.0 at the end of the name. The site detected a match in 'their' database but had to send one of the co-owners to this site to submit their serial number since he was missing the contact information of the matching bill that was registered on THIS site. See further details in the question above.
I entered a bill on the submission form, but when I click, on the purple submit button, it stays on the same page. Why?
Chances are you entered an invalid email address, or one of the pieces of information you entered are wrong. There should be some red warning text on the form telling you what entry was invalid. Please refer to the graphics in the submission form. Is your bill really a $1 bill? Is it series 2013? Does it really have a 'B' seal? Does the serial number really start with a B and end with a star? Feel free to refer to (and share) the following infographic: Valid 2013 Infographic
Scroll down the page that has the submission status table and there will be a list of 8 different reasons why a serial number was rejected.
What is the difference between submitting and registering my bill in this project?
Nothing. I use the words interchangeably. It simply describes getting your serial number(s) into the database (also known as 'The List').
I have hundreds to 2013B star notes, but I don't want to register them one at a time!
There is a process for bulk submissions if you have 20 or more notes. click here:
I made a typo in the bill information I submitted! What should I do?
Use the Contact link at the end of this page. If it is something minor like your backplate number is off by 1 (you entered 85 instead of 86), or you have a Fort Worth bill where you entered FW107 instead of FWE107, I would not worry too much about it.
How can I help?
How you can really help is:
- Spread the word about Project 2013B with friends, relatives, enemies, forums, social media, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and any group forums/chats you are part of. Feel free to share the link (or copy the text) of the main 'About page' located HERE or share this easy to remember short link 2013b.com
- Share and post the various images to help promote this project on the page promote.2013b.com
- Visit the website regularly. More traffic gets the site noticed by Google. Also look around for new features being added, as well as educational articles on other rarities you can keep an eye out for.
- Visit the games area whenever you are bored at work. You can now play Pac-man and other games for free now!
- Visit my Collector Resources page for your paper-money and numismatic supplies and guides.
- Tips are always good. tip.2013b.com
- Contact me if you find any broken links on this site, or have suggestions for features you would like to see.
I haven't found an answer to my question!
Refer to this post that fully describes Project 2013B: About 2013B
If there is still no answer to be found to your question, then contact me here: Contact
Protect Your Banknotes
Protect your bills from the oils on your fingerprints, other environmental hazards, and any further wear and tear. Condition is everything when it comes to collectable banknotes! These also add a layer of protection should you ever have to ship your bill. Check them out in Collector Resources or click the image to go straight to the my preferred top-load rigid holders.
Disclaimer: Some of the links to the products you can by on this websites are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. You pay the same price whether you buy it through the link here, or buy it 'on your own' when on the Amazon site.
Project 2013B uses Wise for money transfers
Page updated: January 26, 2025