World's LARGEST Complete* Database of 2013 Duplicated Serial Number Star Notes!

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Confirmed Match! SN B* 08622164

Duplicate Serial Number 08622164   

a pair is born...

Project 2013B Confirmed Match of duplicate serial number on series 2013B star notes
Project 2013B Confirmed Matched Pair SN B* 08622164

Another beneficiary of the 'surge'

PROJECT 2013B has it's 104th confirmed match! There are now 117 confirmed matching pairs over the history of this project, the Zegers-Winograd project that preceded it, and previously unknown matched pairs spotted at auctions. 

Started in October of 2021, Project 2013B started with a list of 10,072 banknotes, and now has over 49,797 unique banknotes on file.
The 'Fort Worth' printed 2013B star note was registered 2024.04.30 by member M1el, a fellow X-Files fan:



The match is out there....
The 'Washington DC' printed 2013B star note was registered 2022.12.15 by member YdNRi

THIS IS AWESOME!!!! Here is front and back pics. Thank you for what you do 

Photos of the bills from both parties officially confirmed a match today. It also marks a rare case in which BOTH banknote owners have had luck being co-owners of a matched pair previously but with other people respectively.
Now 89.88% of all known Duplicate Serial Number Pairs have been discovered by Project 2013B !
The running list of confirmed pairs (which will be updated soon) can be found at: 
Remember to check your spam folders just in case a matching pair announcement is emailed to you, and you could see your bill showcased here... not to mention having set that could bring thousands of dollars at auction (subject to bills condition of course).  Subscribe to the newsletter for extra 'insurance' against the spam folder scenario. Check the following "Missing in Action" table to see if you have a match!

Are YOU Missing In Action?

If you have NOT been contacted by Project 2013B, but you see your serial number, or Owner ID, in the following table, then you need to contact Project 2013B because you are part-owner of a matched pair! Check your spam folder for an email with the subject line "PROJECT 2013B:  Potential matching pair!"  Otherwise, contact me through my website.

Serial NumberFW noteDC Note
B* 00132107RS>WV
B* 001576548VZ3RS>OK
B* 00226522KW>FL
B* 03234037JeqKrRYoRO
B* 03273252MH>TX
B* 03638919CC>NV
B* 03648699jCqmdjCqmd
B* 03744981XiyZ3
B* 03829156kPRF
B* 03841963qRgx0fD9Gk
B* 03848262(LK>AZ)JP>IN
B* 03848262TiQYF
B* 03857167eOq9h
B* 03946609C>WA
B* 04173409JC>WA
B* 04186680C>NY
B* 04291886I1wst0I4C
B* 04304598ls3U7
B* 04396073RMA>NY
B* 04407357TMCN>CApBKSy
B* 044171021tdE4
B* 04446559dXsU9
B* 044970050lqOS
B* 04501956JC>WAvub3z
B* 046016774P5h3
B* 04646577unknown buyer
B* 04759717XoOK
B* 04880374V>TX
B* 04905756
B* 04964516VYj0
B* 05179451Nrdzq
B* 05235463Y63Ye9j0Ox
B* 05288105j2FV5W10yi
B* 05349842gBrNo
B* 05466739M>FA
B* 05838378
B* 058596284s780
B* 05875918Nl9E1
B* 06012248xOthC
B* 060514363IgM7
B* 06062602bjjoP
B* 06123267unknown buyertBDoS
B* 06188216pR51O
B* 06444737RMA>NY
B* 06491109ZK3QM
B* 06511828DH11H
B* 06521637E2r2D
B* 065817611Bqrp
B* 06594628y8Hoi
B* 06649376wr3KmSP>JM>NJ
B* 06701662fMEffMEf
B* 06954328SP>RH>AL
B* 07143047vVCeIURkJ
B* 07164289FK>NH
B* 07209867JC>WA
B* 07227444CVF>SP>CA
B* 07414463BdDlb
B* 07450741lTOWi
B* 07476183DFWPC
B* 07488611RMA>NY
B* 07558468639Jj
B* 07593810tAPM3
B* 07658028SUTJk
B* 08006723VniY3
B* 081462384quzb
B* 081566504WUvn
B* 08174450995Ju
B* 08315710D0Co3
B* 08356260XySGi
B* 08390737ecL3wTH>KY
B* 08405043vqHv
B* 08417917W10yi
B* 08435647VL1Yp
B* 08534002XXX
B* 08535932KyJPY63Ye
B* 08552147VxNbV
B* 08637807CRaVb
B* 08885105PUlSe
B* 08889298UY612
B* 08955947KyJPY63Ye
B* 09358210MLL>PH
B* 09378519R>TX
B* 09380040Ushp
B* 09482317JC>WA

Cash or this?

A feature where I show some of the crazy stuff you could buy on Amazon if you went on to sell your matched pair for a few thousand or so...

Language Translator Device! Portable Two-Way Instant Translator, High Accuracy Real-Time Translator with 139 Languages Offline Online Voice Photo Translation for Travel, Business and Learning 

Does the sign say Welcome, or Get Lost Tourist?

Not sure if it covers Klingon.

Negotiating peace treaties has never been easier!

The possibilites are endless.  Tell your non-english speaking neighbour that his dog is pooping on your lawn!  Expand your online dating pool to non-english speaking people!  Have fun if you can learn swear words in other languages!

Get yours at this link.

Disclaimer: Some of the links to the products you can by on this websites are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. You pay the same price whether you buy it through the link here, or buy it 'on your own' when on the Amazon site.

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